Wisdom for Children

Our Inspiration to Work

What has inspired us and created the "Growing Together" DNA Model

This page discusses the spirit in which an organization may be formed or run and is our blueprint for conscious businesses which would adopt a "shared-by-all" model. We insist our collaborators adopt this / a variation of this model for ideas that we work on together. Dont miss the backing attitude page.

1# INSPIRATION: Chinmaya Mission Pledge

  1. We stand as one family, bound to each other with love and respect.
  2. We serve as an army, courageous and disciplined, ever ready to fight against all low tendencies and false values, within and without us.
  3. We live honestly the noble life of sacrifice and service, producing more than what we consume and giving more than what we take.
  4. We seek the Lord's grace to keep us on the path of virtue, courage, and wisdom.
  5. May thy grace and blessings flow through us to the world around us.
  6. We believe that the service of our country is the service of the Lord of Lords, and devotion to the people is devotion to the supreme Self.
  7. We know our responsibilities.
  8. Give us the ability and courage to fulfill them.
  9. Om Tat Sat

#2 INSPIRATION: Truth Alone Triumphs - Action Party Values by Imran, 2018

  1. We join together to serve this land, not our self interests
  2. We will not denounce other people rather seek to inspire them with our love and dedication
  3. We will spend frugally and be completely open and honest in all transactions
  4. We believe that inclusion should be based on aspiration, leadership and passion for a cause
  5. We believe in total freedoms, swift grievance redressal and corrective not punitive measures
  6. We shall strive to consider our natural ecosystem in all that we do and seek to reduce our impact on nature
  7. We shall treat everyone with courtesy
  8. We shall not impose too harshly our sentiments on the killing for food while still encouraging people to experiment with a meat free diet
  9. We shall take our responsibility to our citizens and sister countries seriously
  10. We will strive for peace and ahimsa in all that we do and insist on everyone being kind and amicable to each other
  11. We will celebrate our differences and go out of our way to be hospitable to any sort of guest
  12. We will be sincere, honest and soulful in all our interactions
  13. We will filter out all we encounter on a screen of good and only encourage the wholesome.
  14. We will do our utmost to educate and uplift the masses
  15. We shall never tire from doing our duty to ourselves, our families, our communities, our geographies, our neighbours and even the world at large
  16. We shall preserve our culture and values bringing new expressions of the arts and showing more of our humanity with each passing day
  17. We will not squander our talents or resources on frivolous or petty desires
  18. We shall seek to coexist peacefully with everyone and not let them influence us negatively
  19. We will spend our time wisely preparing for a better and brighter future for all
  20. We shall rise to the need of the hour and spread love, positivity and hope wherever we go
  21. We shall comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable, but in a good way
  22. We shall allow people their freedoms in coming closer to their Maker whether they seek to look for the divine within or without, in the mundane or in the profound
  23. We will roll up our sleeves everyday, not resting until we have done our best for the realization of our goals
  24. We stand together in all that we do, one pale blue dot...

3 In all that we do, there is an Inherent Divinity and we must pledge ourselves to the worker class uprisings.


  1. Auroville belongs to nobody in particular. Auroville belongs to humanity as a whole. But to live in Auroville one must be the willing servitor of the Divine Consciousness.
  2. Auroville will be the place of an unending education, of constant progress, and a youth that never ages.
  3. Auroville wants to be the bridge between the past and the future. Taking advantage of all discoveries from without and from within, Auroville will boldly spring towards future realizations.
  4. Auroville will be a site of spiritual and material researches for a living embodiment of an actual Human Unity.

5 Written in 2013, Our Mandate carries a message of hope in Reunification. Our Charter of 2015 was aother powerful message of "singing songs of peace.

6 //TODO: Another powerful "field of love and dreams pledge to be written soon"

I first outlined the RMI Framework in Dec 2012 when I was invited to build a Roster Manager for an american football league.

We then took that idea back to the drafting board in 2020 mid with #Panishq, developed it when working out service arms for Amadeus and then again refined it in Nov 2021 and Jul 2022.

Spiritual Transformation (not DIGITAL)

IT and Capitalism wielded by the Supreme Lord for Spiritual Transformation of Humanity.

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