Harmony and Healing

Various Resources on Healing ourselves, families and the whole world with strong focus on alternate healing methods and practitioners.

Do explore the other sections in the Serenity menu especially the combat cancer one and affirm life.

2022 Healing Ideas by YM

  1. Create 10 videos on basic health.
  2. Offer brainsync.com as a healing modality.
  3. Offer Imran's Healing Through Words Program
  4. Promote Dr Eric Miller's Psychotherapy and Storytelling Workshops.
  5. Promote Homeopathy and Others.
  6. Collate resources like Dr Viji on Diabetes and Obesity.
  7. Let bold Dr pioneers like Dr Hegde speak out against conventional medicine.
  8. Let champions like Dr Patch Adams and Zubin Damania speak of healthcare reform and clowning.
  9. Mental Health and the power and love of friends to cope and heal - the Story of Imran.
  10. Heal the World through the power of song.

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